My 115 is on a 15' 1200 lb ski boat and is awesome out of the hole even with a skier or a triple tube right up til 5200 rpm @ 38mph ( not towing) where it goes no faster.Prop shop says prop ( 3 blade alum.)is a 19# in the middle but less on the tips as though it had been reworked.
I pulled motor off a 19' 2500 lb boat that also went 38 mph @ 5200 but a little slower holeshot.
My 1965 65hp got my ski boat going 33 mph @ 5000 and my Evinrude 50 got it going 30 mph @ 5000.
Any ideas as to why I can't get the 115 to rev up to 6000 as I have read it should?
I have read where people can get 60 mph out of 22 and 24 # props on similar small boats and the boat speed calculator at says 77mph.
Is there a rev limiter on this model?
I have jetted the carbs down to what the book says are the stock .074's from the .076's that I found in there in an effort to save a little gas and because I was having the plugs fouled too often. Now it purrs like a kitten and the plugs are a nice brown.
I have followed clams canino's timing thread for inlines but my merc says it should be timed at 6ATDC at idle. Does anyone know why there is such a large discrepancy between this and the 1 0r 2 BTDC in clams' thread?
Any help is greatly appreciated.
PS: I have a navman 5500 gps with fuel monitor and this 115 runs @ 1.45km/ litre (3.52 mpg)at WOT and cruises most economically at 2.25 km/litre ( 5.46 mpg)@ 3000 rpm and 27 mph.
1971 evinrude lark 50 gets 2.75 km/litre (6.68 mpg)@ 4200 rpm and 22 mph and 2.05 km/litre (4.98 mpg)@ 5000 and 30 mph.
I pulled motor off a 19' 2500 lb boat that also went 38 mph @ 5200 but a little slower holeshot.
My 1965 65hp got my ski boat going 33 mph @ 5000 and my Evinrude 50 got it going 30 mph @ 5000.
Any ideas as to why I can't get the 115 to rev up to 6000 as I have read it should?
I have read where people can get 60 mph out of 22 and 24 # props on similar small boats and the boat speed calculator at says 77mph.
Is there a rev limiter on this model?
I have jetted the carbs down to what the book says are the stock .074's from the .076's that I found in there in an effort to save a little gas and because I was having the plugs fouled too often. Now it purrs like a kitten and the plugs are a nice brown.
I have followed clams canino's timing thread for inlines but my merc says it should be timed at 6ATDC at idle. Does anyone know why there is such a large discrepancy between this and the 1 0r 2 BTDC in clams' thread?
Any help is greatly appreciated.
PS: I have a navman 5500 gps with fuel monitor and this 115 runs @ 1.45km/ litre (3.52 mpg)at WOT and cruises most economically at 2.25 km/litre ( 5.46 mpg)@ 3000 rpm and 27 mph.
1971 evinrude lark 50 gets 2.75 km/litre (6.68 mpg)@ 4200 rpm and 22 mph and 2.05 km/litre (4.98 mpg)@ 5000 and 30 mph.