1986 Johnson GT 150 Bogs down under load


Jul 22, 2001
'Don't let maw sell my boat' was one of the last things my dad told my two boys before he died in 1997. Our fondest memories are fishing with him in his Ranger with this motor. Now the boys want to go fishing, and a few weeks ago we made our first trip. Prior to this first trip, I drained all of the old gas out of the tansk and replaced with a good super grade. I hooked up the muffs and turned on the water to get it cranked and ran it at low throttle for a few minutes. The big day arrived and after the kids got me up, we put in at a local lake. We idled fairly good put we noticed that the engine would not pick up an dgo like we remembered. I dropped it off at the local dealer the next monday. According to him it needed new head gaskets and plugs. We got the boat back on Friday, and tried it out yesterday. Same problem. We ran it for a while thinking that we might need to 'just run it for a while', and were able to get it up about twice, but it would bog back down again.<br /><br />I am new at boating, but 'I'm not selling it!' Got any suggestions??? Take back to local dealer, anything I can try???<br /><br />Any and all help will have the appreciation of me AND my family! <br /><br />------------------<br />I drank what?!! - Socrates


Seaman Apprentice
Jun 14, 2001
Re: 1986 Johnson GT 150 Bogs down under load

IF it ran good the last time it was out & has been stored for a while I would disassemble the carbs & give 'em a good cleaning first. Might need to go ahead & get a rebuild kit while your at it. <br /><br />Maybe I'm jist more comfortable jacking with carbs instad of the heads... But that's my two cents.<br /><br />------------------<br />Find the birds & you've found the fish!


Jul 22, 2001
Re: 1986 Johnson GT 150 Bogs down under load

Thanks Birdchaser, would it be prudent to try some gumout on the carbs? Seems like I remember my dad was always 'playing' with the motor. I am somewhat mechanically inclined, but nowhere near where he was. I can almost still hear him telling me the right way to do something, so I am fairly sure I can handle the carbs.<br /><br />Thanks again!<br /><br />------------------<br />I drank what?!! - Socrates