1985 Evinrude 115 hp VRO oil injection removal

86 Stingray

Dec 18, 2011
I am wanting to remove the oil injection system. All of the research shows an electrical connection coming from the VRO injection pump. The one on my engine does not have a connection on it. It appears that this system might be vacuum operated. Can anyone help with the removal procedure? I was thinking that I could remove the unit and couple the fuel hose to the tee that feeds both carbs. Then plug the vacuum line, if this is how it operates.


Master Chief Petty Officer
Jul 28, 2004
Re: 1985 Evinrude 115 hp VRO oil injection removal

The pump runs off of pulses from the crank case. I'm not 100% sure about your motor but 1985 was right around the time that OMC upgraded the VRO system to VRO2. The VRO2 system had a no flow alarm system and it's the electrical connection for this feature that gets disconnected if you are disabling the VRO system. If there are no wires coming out of your pump, you must have the first gen VRO. there are other tell tale differences that I'm sure others will point out.
As for converting, it's as simple as removing the VRO pump and using the same pulse hose coming off of the crank case to operate your new conventional fuel pump.

86 Stingray

Dec 18, 2011
Re: 1985 Evinrude 115 hp VRO oil injection removal

I have the first gen VRO and I have been studying the forum and found that you are correct about the pulse vacuum that operates the fuel pump. I can not get the primer bulb to pump up and get hard. It seems to be losing pressure. I think that the diaphram for the pulse vacuum might have a hole in it and the fuel might be going thru the diaphram. If this theory holds true, then when I pull the vacuum hose off I will have fuel in the line. This would explain the lose of fuel to the carbs because the vacuum pulse line would suck fuel into it. Does this make since? Also, if I take the pump output line off and squeze the primer bulb fuel squirts out the top of the pump. therefore I know the pump is not clogged. Am I on the right track? If so, can I rebuild the pump with a kit?

86 Stingray

Dec 18, 2011
Re: 1985 Evinrude 115 hp VRO oil injection removal

Latest update. I have found that the primer solenoid needs the gaskets replaced and that the VRO pump needs to be replaced. Those parts are on order. I am going with a standard pump, not the VRO. I am going to pull the carbs., clean and inspect them. The problem with the fuel bulb not pumping up tight was the fuel line from the tank to the feed thru port on the deck. I bypassed the line and went straight to the tank and it now works. The test I ran to verify a possible tank problem was that I removed the gas line from the deck feedthru port and put it into a gallon gas can with a gas and oil mixture. Started pumping and the bulb got tight. This verified that I had a problem with the onboard fuel line or tank. Thank goodness it was not the tank.