1984 Invader Boat-How do I find the Weight


Petty Officer 1st Class
Jan 8, 2006
Just purchased a 1984 Invader boat with a 1991 90HP Mercury outboard, I'm trying to figure out the weight of the boat to confim my vehicle will properly tow this thing safely.<br /><br />I went to the Invader web site, but can't find the same model, the pink slip shows the model as "VG" with the vesal length as 17'3" & the class of "AK"<br /><br />Also the bunk boards seem to be overloaded as they curve in-between the support brackets. This trailer doesn't offer any other support but the two bunk board, shouldn't the very bottom part of the boat sit on rollers?<br /><br />Jerry


Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Nov 11, 2005
Re: 1984 Invader Boat-How do I find the Weight

go to nada.boat look up your boat. it usually has mfg's dry weight. someone at merc forum should be able to tell you the weight of the motor... or you can look in the phone book for 'public scale' (like moving companies, freight companies) tow it down and have it weighed usually $10-$15. your trailer sounds like a Float on type, usually for deep ramps. you will have to determine where you launch if you need rollers. i think i would crawl under it and install anyway. save the keel.


Lieutenant Commander
Dec 26, 2004
Re: 1984 Invader Boat-How do I find the Weight

Any truck stop will have a scale to weigh it for a small fee. If you're weighing for tow safety purposes it is far better to use an actual scale than to try to guestimate based on NADA or other dry-weight guides....you need to consider boat, motor, gas & other fluids, batteries, accessories, junk in the boat, water-logged foam and wood that may be in a 22 year old boat, and the trailer itself. Far too much to guess.<br /><br />Take it to a scale and get a real number. I'll hazard a guess that your rig is just a bit under 3,000 lbs. But that's nothing but a guess. Report back after your scale visit and let me know how close I am...<br /><br />It is normal for most or all of the weight of the boat to sit on bunk boards...they distribute the weight far better than rollers do. If they're sagging they're probably warped and need to be replaced. Or maybe a support in the middle of the board is needed to support the bow in the wood. However, rollers for the keel are still a good idea. They're not necessarily needed to support any weight, but to guide the keel and prevent it from banging into cross-beams of the trailer while loading.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Jan 8, 2006
Re: 1984 Invader Boat-How do I find the Weight

Thanks,<br /><br />I think I know where theres a local scale I could use @ a recycling center, I'll report back once I know for sure.<br /><br />Jerry


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Jan 2, 2006
Re: 1984 Invader Boat-How do I find the Weight

Could it be that you need to replace or re-align the angle of the bunks on the trailer to that of the hull?


Rear Admiral
Apr 13, 2003
Re: 1984 Invader Boat-How do I find the Weight

Hi Jerry<br />Guess you will see this when you get back.<br />Like said truck scales are free<br />Here they leave them on all night.<br />With tow vehicles back tires just off the scale :D <br />Write down what the scale reads<br />Put jack stand down and lift off hitch.<br />You can leave chains etc hooked up<br />Write down what scale reads (will be larger nm)<br />The difference will be your toung weight<br />Always a good thing to know.<br /><br />When you get home look at your trailer sticker ID plate. It will tell you what the trailer it self weights.<br /><br />Subtract that (Trailer weight) from the larger number above and you will have what your boat weight is!<br /><br />Hope I got that in order :)


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jan 29, 2005
Re: 1984 Invader Boat-How do I find the Weight

Dump here has very accurate scales....they weigh you coming in(many tow junk in on trailers) and then weigh again when leaving....you pay so much per pound. Link has good idea regarding tongue weight-depends on guy working booth/how busy....might be allowed.<br /><br />Clean up your garage for price of a scale weighing.