1982 40HP Mercury


Feb 4, 2002
I have 1982 40HP Mercury/electric start<br />(serial # 5991852)<br />The switch box shorted out(had tar like rubbery stuff that ran out of the<br />switch box onto the engine)resulting in no fire. Have a new one and replaced.I also replaced the control box, because I had another one, and because of a problem with<br />the cold start button was broken and would get stuck, also the battery cables were not in the best of shape. The manual that I have does not have the method of checking out the stator, or the trigger for this motor.Could I<br />get some directions on this. Also what could be a possible cause of this. I would like to troubleshoot and correct the possible cause of the switchbox problem before using the motor, could someone send me in the right direction. While doing some checking, found the rectifier to bad, and replaced it, could this have contributed to the problem?<br />Thanks for any help.<br /><br /> Aubert,RJ