1979 merc 200 needs doctor


Petty Officer 3rd Class
Feb 24, 2002
Please help ! i just bought an old challenger w/ 200 hp mercury runs great wide open ( if it dosent stall out b4 you get goin ) when i slow down to around 3000rpm it stalls and is hard to start again needing help from the choke to idle back to dock...ive been reading some of the Q's and A's and believe it is a carburator problem,ie. float/seat etc. Some things i did notice where the bulb dosent get firm when i squeeze it several times ,and an excesive amount of fule dripping from the cowling when iam idling ..Watts happining?? :confused


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Feb 16, 2002
Re: 1979 merc 200 needs doctor

What do you mean fuel running from the cowling at idle? there shouldn't be fuel running from the cowling at all..<br /><br />it sounds like your needle valve in your float chamber is stuck open.<br /><br />possible causes could be:<br /><br />1. Dirt stuck in float chamber, leaving needle valve stuck open.<br />2. Hole in float causing it to stick and leave needle valve open.<br />3. Misadjusted float tab, set wrong and not closing the needle valve.<br /><br />It sounds as if your motor is flooding at low rpm due to this problem.. which would also explain leaking fuel,, thats a big hazard, I wouldn't use it until you fix this, could lead to a fire.<br /><br />oh cause as schematic likes to say, take this with a grain of salt, heck I haven't even seen your motor.<br /><br /><br />rgds<br /><br />Frank


Petty Officer 3rd Class
Feb 24, 2002
Re: 1979 merc 200 needs doctor

Hey Frank, thanks for the quick response , I think u may have hit the nail on the head there, because it ran so well the first time out, i think u are right,i just got some trash in the carb.The fule iam seeing is comming from the carburator(s),most small outboards i have ran only leaked when u sqeezed the bulb(which got firm..mine dosent) but when the motor was running there was no leak of course. the same with this 200 the first couple times out, but when i shut it down from WOT one day ,it died and wouldnt run without pressing choke once in a while as i was putting back to the dock,when i got home i ran the engine (with earmuffs on ) and after cleaning the plugs it seemed better , i could throttle it up and down and it responded fairly quick.But the next trip to the lake the same thing happened i could idle around but when i tried to take off it would bog down or die,except if i pushed the throttle wide open quickly it would bog down a little then take off like a rocket as per usual :) ,so i did a big circle out and back but when i started to throttle it down it would load up and die(flooding i think )did the same thing once more but the second time it was hard to start and wouldnt idle.This is my first big engine and may need more help and/or tips later.Iam not a mechanic but i need to fix all i can myself cuz i got no money lol. I'll let ya know watt i find out. <br />THANKS AGAIN FOR THE RESPONSE ! <br /><br />Steve