1979 Johnson 235 Blown Head gasket?


Aug 13, 2011
I just built this engine and have been running it on the muffs to get all the bugs worked out. I pulled the head to replace the head gasket because I reused this one. This was a new head gasket and had an hour on it when I pulled it. It was pulled because I was having a over heating issue and had already replaced the thermostat.

Is this black mark an indication of a failed head gasket? I think it is. I don't remember seeing it the first time I pulled it, but it doesn't mean it wasn't there. I did find an indentation on the ring of the head. also pictured after I sanded it down a little. I am concerned about doing much more as I know this will be an issue with the crush ring on the gasket. Am I better off taking the head to a machine shop and let them take a little off? Can I do that and be within tolerances?


Apr 7, 2012
no pics, you may need to post them elsewhere and provide a link
i just make sure the heads a flat using a sheet of glass and fine sandpaper