1978 OMC stringer 305 V8 triple solenoid wiring diagram


May 19, 2012
PLEASE can someone help me to figure out how these three (3 connectors on each) trim/tilt solenoids` wires go back together? I made the mistake of having a friend (and I use that term loosely now) help me disassemble what I thought was a bad solenoid (turned out the motor is bad but didn`t figure that out till it was too late) and my friend couldn`t remember how to re assemble them again sooo I tried it myself after I sent him packing and apparently I didn`t get it right either because I heard a POP sound from somewhere near the back of the engine when I hooked up the pos battery side and now I don`t have power to anything past the starter. I know I probably blew an inline fuse but where I`m unsure. I did take the only bulbous looking brown connector off of one of the solenoids and touched one side to bat+ and the other with a test light and it lit so I`m assuming I didn`t blow that one but there is another connected to the starter that I haven`t checked and if there are others I`m just not sure yet where they may be. Anybody got any clue which one I woulda blew first? Anybody have a good book diagram or picture of these three solenoids all connected up you can share with me? I`ll take any help I can get. I have tried and tried to find it on the net but nothing. I would be EVER SO GRATEFUL for help. Thank You guys.:blue:


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May 19, 2012
PLEASE can someone help me to figure out how these three (3 connectors on each) trim/tilt solenoids` wires go back together? I made the mistake of having a friend (and I use that term loosely now) help me disassemble what I thought was a bad solenoid (turned out the motor is bad but didn`t figure that out till it was too late) and my friend couldn`t remember how to re assemble them again sooo I tried it myself after I sent him packing and apparently I didn`t get it right either because I heard a POP sound from somewhere near the back of the engine when I hooked up the pos battery side and now I don`t have power to anything past the starter. I know I probably blew an inline fuse but where I`m unsure. I did take the only bulbous looking brown connector off of one of the solenoids and touched one side to bat+ and the other with a test light and it lit so I`m assuming I didn`t blow that one but there is another connected to the starter that I haven`t checked and if there are others I`m just not sure yet where they may be. Anybody got any clue which one I woulda blew first? Anybody have a good book diagram or picture of these three solenoids all connected up you can share with me? I`ll take any help I can get. I have tried and tried to find it on the net but nothing. I would be EVER SO GRATEFUL for help. Thank You guys.:blue:

I guess I stumped everyone. NO HELP? Nobody has an identical boat with these same 3 trim/tilt relay/solenoids? 1978 Seaswirl Bramco, covered bow, Blue 305 chevy v8 motor? Omc 800 outdrive? Trim solenoids (3) are back behind the motor on the left side from the front of the motor? No one has that except me? OK. Well I`ll keep my fingers crossed and hope somebody might have a diagram or picture. Thanks anyway everybody.


May 19, 2012
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Staff member
Apr 17, 2002
I guess I stumped everyone. NO HELP?

Ayuh,.... I moved this to the OMC I/O forum, insteada the electrical forum, We'll see what happens,.....


Staff member
Jul 7, 2010
IIRC there was an inline fuse along the transom on the port side of the engine bay on my '72. I don't have my manual with me, but I'll try to remember to look tonight.

Look online - you're gonna' want a real shop manual for that system. You'll have to buy one.


May 19, 2012
Thank You Bondo. Might be just the ticket I don`t know but thanks. You too southkogs. I know I probably would have a better shot at just finding it in a manual but I`ve seen a few different ones and I`m afraid I`ll fork up the cash (they aren`t cheap for this old year!) I`ll get the wrong year or get a manual that shows multiple years but not mine or it won`t show 3 solenoids or it won`t show any or just one or it shows a general diagram for another model boat. I`ve already ran into these problems just looking on Google and a couple other search engines. Some boats just have one or two or just show a wiring diagram that I can`t cipher...you get the picture. I mean I thought I was the guy who could find just about anything I wanted on the net and I am pretty good at it but I couldn`t find a diagram for this motor for this boat for 3 solenoids whatsoever. I may just have to bite the bullet, admit defeat and take it to my boat guy and pay a pretty penny for my buddy`s and my screw up. Thanks you guys.


May 19, 2012
oh, and I`d probably have to get it from Ebay where I can`t look in it first. I forgot to mention that important fact also. Thanks again...Randyme


Staff member
Jul 7, 2010
Hoookay, found it ... I think this is yours:

Screen Shot 2016-10-19 at 7.52.23 AM.png
There's a 50AMP fuse at the UP Tilt solenoid, and there's also a 55 at the Starter solenoid.


May 19, 2012
southkogs. Oh man you are a life saver! This looks like it`s just what I needed. Thank you SO much. This is awesome and I thank you very very much. It looks good, it looks right and with a little study (my wires have alot of tape and dirt on them and seem to be wrapped with of other stuff while they travel) this will definitely help me put the puzzle back together! Awesome work sir! Thank You! You made my day!


Staff member
Apr 17, 2002
southkogs. Oh man you are a life saver!

Ayuh,.... Waayyy Cool,.... Glad We found the right eyes to put this question in fronta,....

Good Luck Randy,....


May 19, 2012
Hey guys. Well...after doing some studying on the page you put up, sadly it just still doesn`t figure. I mean mine has three solenoids and only one trim motor. I see four solenoids and TWO trim/tilt motors in this diagram. I have a single electric two wire geared motor on the far left (looking from the rear) inside behind the transom in the corner of my boat almost right beside the outdrive and the whole time IT was the problem. The solenoids are SUPPOSED to CLICK. That mans they`re still good but without the motor working, all they will do is just click. I didn`t know that. I tried to REPLACE them. Never should have touched them. Guess it`s common for the motors to go out especially if they get damp or wet. The motor and all engine etc. parts were left exposed out in the winter weather for the last 2 years from previous owner. The 3 solenoids are mounted to an aluminum looking plate bolted to the left head rear right behind and slightly below the left valve cover. It helps a little by showing the wire colors and such but still not specific enough to nail down the way my 3 solenoids wire up together. I mean they`re are some wires that jump over to another solenoid, there`s like a small copper single buss bar like connector that jumps over and connects two solenoids together in one spot and another bulbous (fuse) like connector in another spot. It`s like a puzzle. If you guys have anything like that it would help. I`ve looked for a manual but there are so many I can`t tell which one is the right one. (ebay). I have a 185 (it says 185 on the valve covers, I`m assuming that`s horsepower?) HP V8 Chevy OMC stringer motor, 800 OMC outdrive in a 77 Seaswiel (Bramco?) Engine # 990252J Back to the drawing board. Thanks again.
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Staff member
Jul 7, 2010
Whoops - okay, I misunderstood what you were looking for. Sounds like you don't have trim, and you're looking at the tilt motor.

On the OMC Stringer, trim happens up at the front of the engine and tilt happens at the back. The drive is designed to run full down at the tilt motor - you can't trim from that motor. You can run at low RPM if you need to tilt up for shallow water, but you can't trim the drive. Trim will either be a jack screw at the front motor mounts, or a hydraulic pump (which I'm not familiar with).

This diagram might be yours, then:
78 185 notrim.png

You've got the correct model number, and that model is both engine and drive. The engine is a 1978 185HP OMC hydro-electric shift Stringer Stern Drive. You can locate part numbers and diagrams looking around HERE. Just click on the parts link, select Stern Drive from the drop down and navigate to yours. That doesn't replace the need for a manual.

Lastly, if you're getting clicks at the solenoids - and nuthin is happening at the tilt motor - I would suggest pulling that motor and rebuilding it (or having someone rebuild it). It's a pain to get out - and you need to be careful because there are a couple of pieces you don't want to lose. The bolts that hold that mug on, also hold it together, so it's gonna' wanna' fall apart on you. BUT, it's very common for that motor to give you grief. Test for power at that motor, and if you're getting power - pull it and fix it.


May 19, 2012
Wow. That looks much better southkogs. It does look like mine. I will take care taking off that tilt motor. It looks rusty too. I`ll just probably get a new one. I seen them on Ebay for 50/60 bucks. I put it away for awhile since were getting so much rain around here at the moment. I hate taking that cover on and off so I`m taking some time off from it but I`ll study your diagram real well so when I do hit it I can finally fix it. Many thanks. Once again you`ve come through and helped me out and I greatly appreciate your time and effort. Thank you.