1978 1150 Stator


Mar 26, 2008
im not getting more than 12.5 volts at the battery, while running. could the corroded wires out of the stator cause poor charge, i have continuity between the two wires. also i have two batteries hooked up, would this lower the charge voltage as it is trting to charge two instead of one? i tried another (used rectifier) but no difference, i guess it could be bad as well. can you bypass the retifier just for testing purposes some way? How long would this engine run off two charged batteries if the sytem wasnt charging?


Vice Admiral
Apr 10, 2007
Re: 1978 1150 Stator

Just noticed that I do not have the parts links here at home that I have at work!! Oh well.

The stator puts out AC voltage, DO NOT BYPASS THE RECTIFIER, even for testing.

You can remove the rectifier and ohms test to see if it fails.

You can AC Voltage test the stator while running while connected thru the rectifier to the battery, use a digital meter, read voltage engine off and again running, you should see an increase running, the amount will depend on the state of charge of the battery AND the size of the battery.

Those old charging systems were NOT made to charge multiple batteries. It could, but chances are you are NOT going to run near long enough to make it work, and the possibility of over loading the charging system far outweigh the cost of a battery selector switch.