1977 Johnson - so I get my new water pump out of the box and...


Petty Officer 3rd Class
Sep 26, 2007
Hello Guys,
1977 Johnson ? 115 - 115EL77S - Ranger Fish and Play

I am sure you have covered this topic, but I cant seem to find any posts about this so far (I am sure this is just one of those things I should know, but I am not very mechanically inclined)

Basic Question: I got my new waterpump out of the box and I expected it to have 2 inlet/outlet tubes, but appears only to have an outlet tube.

Long version.
I had wear on my impeller and decided to replace my waterpump assembly. I ordered the part from here at iboats, and when the package arrived last night I headed straight for the shop. As soon as I opened the box I hit my stumbling block

So my original waterpump housing had 2 inlet/outlet tubes, and this new one has only one.

I checked to make sure I had ordered the right part. The housing matches up perfectly and the box says its the waterpump kit for my year (1977) so this caused me some concern.

However, I have thought the situation out (again keeping in mind I am a **** poor mechanic) but it seems to me that the impeller will drive cool water into the engine, and the other tube is the discharge.


So assuming I have that flow correct, with the new pump the tube running from the waterpump housing should match up with the tube I have labled "inlet?" in my image above. The outlet will then dump the warm water on to the top of the waterpump housing allowing an amount to be recurculated into the bottom feed of the waterpump housing and the rest through the small hole in the lower unit?

The idea of dumping water in the cavity between my upper and lower unit seems a bit counter intuitive. I am afraid I am missing something here. The idea of pourning water basically on my waterpump assembly (and potentially my drive shaft just seems a little odd) Do I need to convert to some form of 2 hose system, or is my diagnosis correct that this is the new "improved" design the SELOC manual goes on about and is designed to work this way?

final product:

I decided that the logic seems sound so I mounted the new pump, but before I try to put upper and lower units back together I wanted to run this past you guys.

Thanks for any advice.


Supreme Mariner
Feb 4, 2001
Re: 1977 Johnson - so I get my new water pump out of the box and...

A 1977 20" 115 uses the pump with the 2 tubes. Like a 73 to 76 model. The 1977 25" 115 uses the new style single tube kit. Like 78 & newer.

Basically you have a kit for a 25" motor but have a 20" motor. 1977 was a confusing year for the V4s.

Bdt 1967

Petty Officer 3rd Class
Mar 4, 2008
Re: 1977 Johnson - so I get my new water pump out of the box and...

Thats exactly the problem, sorry bud you just wasted your hard earned chips.


Petty Officer 3rd Class
Sep 26, 2007
Re: 1977 Johnson - so I get my new water pump out of the box and...

Any advice on the where I should go to make certain that I get the correct kit, cause basically I am just out the 69 bucks I spent on this one.


Supreme Mariner
Feb 4, 2001
Re: 1977 Johnson - so I get my new water pump out of the box and...

I'd take it back to where you got it. That one is the more popular, they'll be able to sell it pretty easy. Just make sure the parts guy knows to look up the pump for a 20" model 115. Not a 20" 140, you'll end up with the same pump.


Jan 4, 2009
Re: 1977 Johnson - so I get my new water pump out of the box and...


You are a lifesaver!! I have a 77 Johnson 115 (115EL77S) and was searching the forum for any GOTCHAS before replacing my water pump. I have a manual but it covers many motors and sometimes leaves things out. I saw your posting and decided to take my lower end off before ordering parts. I discovered that I also have a short shaft so the pump housing has 2 tubes out the top. Instead of ordering online I decided to buy from the dealer 30 miles away and I called before going in to make sure they had the right pump. I explained what type I had/needed and they said "we've got a bunch of them". Long story short, I took the old part in with me and every one they had was the single discharge version. They had to order the part and it was there the next week. With your post I was expecting them to have the wrong part so I wasn't frustrated (like so many other times) when they didn't have the right part.

Thanks a bunch!!

Brian D