I opened the controls, found the grey wire, ran a temporary lead from the grey to tach pulse, purple to the tach ignition and grounded. Voila....tach worked. That was two days ago.
Today I ran the permanent wiring with connections as described above and the tach needle did not move. Then suddenly the needle began climbing (engine at idle) pegged out at 7,000 rpms and stayed there.
I moved the setting on the back of the tach to every available spot but nothing changed.
I took a volt meter reading on the purple wire (at the controls) and only read 6.7 volts. Checked the sender wire (didn't know what I should get) and got a <-2.7> reading. I also hooked he ignition wire to the voltmeter and no movement of the gauge.
I would be so appreciative if you guys could tell me what to do next. Wondering if I messed up the tach somehow and also wondering why the voltage reading is so low on the purple wire.