1977 175hp Command Center alarm

Mar 31, 2010
1977 175hp Command Center alarm is sounding after rewiring entire boat on accessory setting. just have it set as a 12V system atm for troubleshooting.

Rewired boat... looked great. Alarm sounded when the key was turned "on". Bypassed "command center" (Throttle control/key) everything works fine.

issue 1: there is a red and white wire from the "command center" I assumed that it was the accessory + and -. Was this assumtion correct?

issue 2: could the alarm be sounding due to bad amps?



Supreme Mariner
Dec 9, 2005
Re: 1977 175hp Command Center alarm

The only alarm on that engine sounds when the engine overheats. It is possible that one of the overheat switch leads is shorting to ground, sounding the horn. It is unusual to wire the whole boat to the accessory side of the key switch. The key switch and engine operate on a 20 amp engine fuse. If you load too many boat circuits on that key switch (lights, bilge pump, radio, horn, etc.) you may keep blowing the engine fuse.
Mar 31, 2010
Re: 1977 175hp Command Center alarm

Thank you for the quick advice. I will retrace. Reall don't know what i am looking for "over heat switch". isn't that near or in the lower unit. I agree it's a grounding issue, I didn't think I was crazy since the alrm was activating without me cranking the engine.

Also, I am not running everything off the accessory key switch. Just the main switch box panel lights.



Supreme Mariner
Dec 9, 2005
Re: 1977 175hp Command Center alarm

The horn in the control box should have two wires: purple (hot) and a brown. The brown goes to the two temp switches in the heads. You can disconnect both switches to test for a short. There is a knife connection about 2" from each switch with a rubber cover. If you disconnect both-that will eliminate the switches as a potential source of the horn. I must have misread your paragraph about wiring to the accessory setting.
Mar 31, 2010
Re: 1977 175hp Command Center alarm

TY Again for the quick reply. That helps alot. Also I have been reading the forums and I do not have my trim switch connected ( still in pieces in my drive way) would that ground out my alarm and set it off? Some of the forums suggest that it might.

I will also check my main wiring harness i just re-installed to ensure the connectors are good.



Supreme Mariner
Dec 9, 2005
Re: 1977 175hp Command Center alarm

Unlikely the power trim system will have any effect on your model. The trim system is pretty separate from the rest of the engine, with the remote trim box being mounted under the rear splashwell. That box has it's own battery cables, own solenoid-even it's own fuse.