Re: 1975 MERC 115
I've had the fuel problem before and it has shut off like a switch from max cruise speed, which was hairy, and then would start up at idle immediately and power right up. Sometimes though it would not die, but idle. The bowl(s) would apparently refill and I could go another 10 or 20 minutes before it would die again. The fuel problm was RPM related. Obviously you might have some kind of intermittent grounding out or component breakdown. I'm not trying to be an expert here and you may be all over this easy stuff, but I would check the condition of the wires, connections, run it with a timing light and see if spark occurs as the motor shuts down, run it at night to check for arcing. Does the problem happen intermittently or can you put a clock on it? Does it happen at idle, only idle, any speed? Does it sputter at all or is it out like a switch on all cylinders?