1975 50hp Evinrude idle problems


Jul 20, 2017
Hi everyone. This is my very first post here. I've done a lot of searching the last couple of days and can't really come up with anything that resembles my problem.

The problem I'm having is that it wont stay running at low idle. I have the idle timing adjusted as far forward (screw turned in) as I can. I have the plastic piece on the end of the throttle linkage that connects to the throttle cam adjusted almost out to its furthest most adjustment just to keep it running at idle (very high idle, too high to actually use) and if I adjust it back even a half of a turn it starts but then slows down and dies. I found a weak fuel line that connects the two carbs. I havent tried it with a new line yet but I feel that this isnt going to help much if any. I found some milky blueish liquid around the air intake as well. I had good compression about a month ago, 130ish on top and 140ish on the bottom. They were within the 10% difference.

It was running good enough to use up until a couple days ago. Not great but I was able to use it. I was on my way in from a fishing trip and it stumbled and died. It started up again amd ran good for about another 5 or 6 hundred feet and then died and wouldnt go again. I changed the plugs and it seemed fine at the dock so I tried to go for a spin and I only made it 100 feet and hasnt ran right since. I'm no expert, that's why I had the idle timing screwed in all the way prior to this for a good idle but I didn't have to have the cam adjusted so far out prior to it shutting down. It sounded good to the ear at idle this last 3 week's I had it in the water until now.

Can it be the fuel pump? Do they get bad over time or do they just give out? It seems to me like she's not getting enough fuel, hence having to have the throttle so open for idle. I'm hopong for an easy fix as i have never had to sync carbs before. I've cleaned single carbs and reset them before, how much harder is it to do 2?


Supreme Mariner
Dec 28, 2013
Waterpump maintained ?------Compression test must e done and do you have strong spark on both leads ?


Jul 20, 2017
The water pump I'm not sure about. I bought it used. I had it running on muffs and in a tub at home and there was bits of water shooting out of the places that it's supposed to according to what I read about motors without tell tails.

I'll re-do the compression test this weekend as well as check spark but I'm pretty sure spark is good and that compression is good.