Hello all, Iam a new boat owner of the 30 year old engine (1972 Johnson 50hp 50esl72c), thanks to a relative. I dont know whether it is charging or not. I took a reading with a volt meter at the battery, in the water, at over 3500rpm. It showed about 12.6 volts. Didnt seem like enough. I took the rectifier out and checked the ohm reading both ways on each lead. ZERO / ZERO No reading with either polarity on all three leads. Sooo I bought a new rectifier. It tests ok with about 1.5 - 7 on way on each lead and zero reading the opposite. When I put this new rectifier on my motor, started the engine for a brief moment, I still got about 12.6 volts at the battery. The book says to test with the propellor in the water but I dont know what difference that would make. But ... thats why Im here, I KNOW NOTHING. smile!!