Re: 1969 johnson 9 1/2 cooling
Oldcat is telling you true about the thermostat.
If you did not rotate the drive shaft clockwise when pressing the pump housing over the impeller then the blades are not in the correct direction and no pumping will occur. If the key is not located in the impeller, then no water. If the seal in the top of the pump housing is shot then no water to the motor. If the water tube is not located in the pump housing then no water. If the washer and or the 'O' ring at the top of the water tube is missing or damaged, then no water. If the tube is misshapen at either end, then no water. If the pump is not below the level of the water, then no water. If a previous impeller failed and came apart then there could be debris blocking the waterways.
You can pull the thermostat cover off and remove the thermostat, start the motor and see if you get wet. If you do then the pump is probably working but it doesn't tell you just how good the pressure is.
I would take a look up the exhaust tube just to make sure it is not blocked.