1969 Johnson 55 hp

Bruce B

Jun 27, 2001
I have this outboard. Its 3 cyl., It ran <br />fine 10 months ago. Now trying to start and<br />no fire. Appears to have no spark, checked<br />all plugs. Not very problable they all failed at once. Next thought is points. Where are they located and how hard is it to change. Any help is truly appreciated


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Apr 8, 2001
Re: 1969 Johnson 55 hp

I am not familiar with that model, but I have a 79 Johnson V6. No points, it has a 2 powerpacks and six coils(one for each plug). I would assume your engine has 1 powerpack and 3 coils. Check those first.


Jun 19, 2001
Re: 1969 Johnson 55 hp

there are points under the fly wheel but they are unlikely to be the problem.On the left rear side of the motor (looking from front)you'll see a box with wires coming out of it (CDI,POWER PACK) what the tech. name is i am not sure but this is probably the problem. You can do a low tech test on it without removing it.One of the wires that comes out of it goes up under the flywheel it is on the same side of the motor behind the throttle linkage.It has a connector which you can disconnect and with the key on touch the wire coming from the box to the bolt that the the wire coming from under the flywheel is attathced to(good ground)to if you can hear a buzzing (electrical type sound) the box is probably good. If the box appears to be good an ohm meter connected between the wire you tested and a good ground will test to see if the points are opening . with the meter attatched and the key off rotate the flywhhel slowly and the reading should turn off and on. I am by no means an expert but i have owned a couple of these motors so i have some experiance.<br /><br />good luck and let us know how you make out