1967 johnson 6 hp preventive maintenance


Seaman Apprentice
Apr 2, 2002
I have been using a johnson 6 hp motor with a 12 foot john boat for the past 3 years. My father gave the engine to me. I am wondering about preventive maintenance for the engine. The only problems that I have had was a priming bulb failure on fuel line. Nothing has ever been done to the engine in 37 years...no oil changes, no impeller changes, no tune ups, or spark plug changes. The engine runs great, easy to start, and has warm to hot water coming out of the exhaust/pee hole when running. My gut feeling is to let things be and keep using it without any preventive maintenance such as changing the lower oil or the impeller. Can anyone convince me to do otherwise? <br />thanks for your thoughts.<br />DFB


Jul 5, 2001
Re: 1967 johnson 6 hp preventive maintenance

it's a long swim back to the dock! It has been good to you and your father, return the kindness with fresh oil in the lower unit, a new impeller (every 2 or 3 years (ok some say 1 some say 5)) grease in all the gease zerts oil on linkages that should be oiled, new fuel filter. you cant complain about spending a little on it look how many fish you and your father have caught over the last 37 years. question,, are you still useing the same rod and reel, line, frying pan, crisco, etc?


Seaman Apprentice
Apr 2, 2002
Re: 1967 johnson 6 hp preventive maintenance

rwise, appreciate your thoughts. Looks like changing the lower unit oil is pretty easy. Changing the impeller seems like a big job for rookie mechanic. <br /><br />No, I have newer fishing gear....except for the fishing deliar (scale and tape measure). I also have the original paddle, but it doesn't get much use.<br /><br />DFB

Paul Moir

Nov 5, 2002
Re: 1967 johnson 6 hp preventive maintenance

Well, I hate to say it but it may be a big job since it hasn't been changed. Part of the reason to change your impelller so often is so that you can exercise the bolts and screws that hold it on, and regrease the driveshaft splines that habitually rust themselves into the crankshaft. This might not be such a big problem if you're not operating in salt.<br /><br />Normally it's a pretty simple operation - unbolt the lower unit, turn the driveshaft a bit to gain access the shift rod connector, disconnect that (completely remove the bolt) and remove the lower unit. Then remove the old water pump and install a new one. I think you're going to want to replace the entire water pump rather than just the impeller. The housing, etc, has got to be worn out.<br />Before replacement, grease the driveshaft splines and replace the o-ring on the splines if it's deteriorated. Put sealant on your water pump screws and lower unit bolts before installing them so they'll come out easily next time. Then just align the driveshaft, water tube and shift rod (reconnect), and bolt on the lower unit.<br />All these steps are illustrated in the service manual, which would be an excellent investment if your engine runs well. <br /><br />If the bolts are hard to turn, use PB Blaster (penetrating oil) and/or heat them up with a propane torch. You don't want to break them. A device known as an impact driver may help. This looks like an extra large screwdriver that you strike with a hammer.<br /><br /><br />Good luck! Sounds like a good project!


Chief Petty Officer
Oct 3, 2003
Re: 1967 johnson 6 hp preventive maintenance

I've just done a water pump on a 1973 Evinrude. On that engine, there is a pin through the drive shaft that you have to line up with a slot in the exhaust housing in order to drop the lower unit. Don't know if the 1969 has the same arrangement.<br />Good luck<br />Steve


Supreme Mariner
Sep 1, 2003
Re: 1967 johnson 6 hp preventive maintenance

69 has the same deal on the pin


Dec 16, 2003
Re: 1967 johnson 6 hp preventive maintenance

dfb, I don't know as I would touch your motor with a ten foot pole.Not serviced in 37 years?<br /><br />Call BRP and tell them you have a 37 year old wpi still working<br /><br />Better yet call Guiness.<br /><br />DHP


Seaman Apprentice
Apr 2, 2002
Re: 1967 johnson 6 hp preventive maintenance

thanks again to everyone for the input. I'd be curious if anyone else has had similiar experience with long lived impeller and minimal if any maintenance on a motor. <br />DHP, what does BRP stand for? <br />I'm leaning towards changing the lower foot oil and just watching the pee hole stream for changes.<br />This may be blasphemy, but I keep thinking, "If its not broke don't fix it".

Paul Moir

Nov 5, 2002
Re: 1967 johnson 6 hp preventive maintenance

That's an attitude that will quickly kill the engine.<br />Why not just fix it? It's not that difficult. Once you see what the pump looks like, you'll wonder how it survived. (as do we)<br /><br /><br />BRP - Bombardier Recreational Products - are the people who bought OMC when it was failing.