Re: 1966 650 Mercury 4D magneto problem
Hold a screwdriver against the metal of the magneto case, with the tip of the screwdriver about 3/8" from the copper strap that connects to the coil.
Spin the magneto shaft smartly and you should get a very strong spark across the gap between screwdriver and copper strap. It should be purple-ish in color. The spark on a good "hot" mag will usually jump 1/2" or more.
If yours won't do that, it doesn't matter if it shocks you, it doesn't have enough spark energy.
Common problems with these are cracks/arc marks in the ign coil, dirty points, incorrect points gap, bad insulator where the grounding wire goes thru the magneto case.
The points must be cleaned to bare metal, then you polish with crocus cloth for a smooth surface. Gap to .008-.010".
For a thorough inspection of the ign coil you'd need to remove it; the allen-head screws sticking thru the mag case are what hold the coil in place. If there are any cracks, or signs of arcing between the coil and the inside of the mag case, the coil is shot.