Re: 1966 3 HP Evinrude Getting Hot
ED,<br /><br />Just a couple of things.....Did you check the ring end gap before you installed the new rings?? When you say , "Also, I took the head off the shaft and checked to make sure nothing was stopped up it did not appear to be" What shaft are you talking about??<br /><br />Testing the temperature of the motor on top of the head will be considerably hotter than testing on the side of the block, this is normal. If you can't leave your fingers on the side of the block for more than a few seconds, it's running too hot. Start looking for any obstructions in the water passages or the water pump impeller.<br /><br />Usually these smaller motors will not have a 'pee stream' or tell-tale to verify the water pump operation. They can have small vent holes in the lower leg , just below the powerhead that sprays water when the motor is running. If your hand gets wet when you hold your hand near these small holes , your pump is working. If in doubt, drop the lower unit and using a small rubber hose connected to a garden hose, force water up the copper water cooling tube to verify water flow thru the powerhead. Check the condition of the water pump impeller while you've got the lower unit off too.