I just bought a 1958 14' Texas Maid with a 1965 40hp engine. I have two questions:<br /><br />The engine is not charging the battery. From what I think I see, it has a belt-driven generator, as opposed to an alternator since there seem to be only two wires connected (no field). I pulled the cover off the electrical box on the transom, and the regulator has three connections .. one for bat, field, and arm. It seems like the regulator was designed for an alternator? I'll start tracing wires, but I think the two off the generator go to the "arm" nad "field" terminals. The "bat" is clearly going to the battery. Any good first guesses on what is broke or how to best trouble-shoot?<br /><br />Secondly, it doesn't run quite as strong as I remember (I grew up with this exact setup as a kid). I have not checked compression, but the plugs seem good, it idles very good, runs smooth, but my ear thinks this thing is running under 4,000 rpm (no tach) and about 25 - 27 mph. I believe I'm swinging a 10 3/8" by 11 pitch. Too much prop?<br /><br />Thanks