Re: 1965 johnson 40 hp sudden power loss
OK, guys, let's recap. Maybe this is like one of those crime shows where the extraneous people leave out a pertinent clue, and suddenly one of them remembers the perp was having an affair with the dead guy's wife. Here's all the clues I've got:<br /><br />* Bought boat/motor a few weeks ago<br />* Ran pretty good first time out, but seemed to surge a bit at top end.<br />* Last time out, a buddy sprayed carb cleaner in bowl through high-speed opening in bowl. I also had a bottle of merc "quick-clean" in the tank at the time.<br />* Ran great for about an hour. sudden power loss .. about 1/2 throttle.<br />* New plugs. First new plugs were too hot (J8C). Put right new plugs in yesterday (J4C).<br />* Took carb apart. Looked great. Float at right level, needle/seat seemed to work fine. Blew out high speed. No sediment.<br />* Link/sync looks A-OK. Roller hits at the right place, timing goes to stop, and throttle plate opens completely at WOT.<br />* Just took it out. Same problem .. 1/2 power.<br />* Had my complaining, but trusty daughter with me this time after bribing here with starbucks, so I was able to:<br />* Pull plug wires at WOT. Both running fine. So good, the spark dang near sterilized me .. man, it has a kick. I didn't have the fancy plastic plug wire pullers. At one point, it died, wouldn't go, I pulled lower plug clear out, and placed on motor. It started and ran on the other while this external plug was firing just fine. I think it was fouled in cylinder. I swapped plugs, wiped them off and they both hit again.<br />* Pumped bulb. No change<br />* Pulled bowl high-speed cap screw. Bowl had plenty of fuel.<br />* New gas<br />* Have not done decarb yet<br />* Choked while running. No difference<br /><br />So .. in conclusion:<br /><br /><br />* Ran great.<br />* It suddently runs at 1/2 throttle. <br />* Carb looks pristine, but did not put a kit in it .. just cleaned it.<br />* Have not run compression check yet. Need to get compression gauge.<br />* Seems to fire fine at idle through WOT.<br />* Link/sync seems OK<br />* did not have a spray bottle, so have not tried the "spray pre-mix down carb while running" thing yet.<br /><br />So, assuming I didn't suddenly lose compression in both cylinders (seems to run about the same regardless of which plug wire I pull) while just running down the lake, and fire seems great, either some nutty vacuum or fuel issue still? Reeds seemed OK with just a visual through the reed plate with carb off. I once had a semi-loose reed plate that caused a similar symtom<br /><br />It's killing me. Begining to consider offering reward to first guy to fix it ... just like the crime shows.