1963 10 hp Seahorse - QD-24 tell tale question


Aug 21, 2007
I have the above outboard. It doesn't have the traditional "peeing" tell tale out the back. It spits water through the exhaust port above the water line. I also see two holes (one on each side of the exhaust housing) just above the lower motor mounts that water comes out of. Are these holes considered the "tell tale" for this motor? I was thinking of tapping into the thermostat cover and adding a "peeing" tell tale out of the back of the motor housing. Any thoughts on this, or are the two holes on the exhaust housing good enough to watch the water pump's performance? Also, If I add the tell tale, would the impeller still be able to move enough water to cool the motor and pump out of the "tell tale"? Thanks in advance.


Supreme Mariner
Jul 7, 2006
The factory designed it the way it is and it is a very good design. The discharge out the exhaust relief is plenty good as a "tell tale". OK, so nowadays, everybody wants to see a "pee hole". That's up to you, I suppose.

The two holes above the lower mount are drain holes to get rid of water that has leaked out of the pump around the shaft. Without them, the water would rise and damage the powerhead. Bottom line: They are in no way a "tell tale", so ignore them.

BTW, the water you see blowing out the exhaust relief has gone all the way through the cooling system and done its job. The tell tale you see on today's motors has not gone through the system yet, so only means it has gotten that far. It doesn't mean it has gone all the way or that it is properly cooling. Hey, sometimes the old way was better.