1961 Starcraft Seafarer Concerns?


Aug 4, 2021
I'm new to the boating world. My oldest son really got into fishing this summer, so I decided to track down a boat we can start using. I found a 1961 Starcraft Seafarer 16' for sale, that comes with the trailer, a 20hp Mercury (1996), two electric motors, and some other extras. Appears to be in very good condition. Are there any issues these boats are known to have that I should check for or ask about before purchasing?


Petty Officer 1st Class
Jul 5, 2010
Nothing to speak off other than looking for missing rivets or cracks from past abuse.
I've had a dozen or more older Seafarers and none ever leaked a drop. I had a 35hp on my '63, and a 25hp on my '70 14ft. I did have to repace the wood seats in both after a while though and i did so with some custom cut red oak planks I milled down myself. While I was at it I added a 1/2 floor panel to the middle which made the boat easier to fish out of. I just traced the outline of the inner area of the side strakes on each side and cut the floor in two pieces. It only added the weight of a sheet of 1/2 plywood, which was enough because when the boat is afloat the floor distributes the weight very well and you get no flex at all with only a single center runner. I used a 2x6 and cut it to the angle needed.
I wish I had my 16 yet today, I sold it and bought a dozen other since but that first one was the best one.
Here's a 1973 14ft I put a floor in the same way. I used it for about 8 years and then sold it to a guy who took it to South America about 8 years ago now. The floor done this way makes the boat feel wider and the flat surface makes it far less tippy when your moving around, although these are very stable boats to begin with.

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