1959 Evinrude 35 stalling


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jun 24, 2010
I'm stuck. I have searched the forum and not seeing what I am experiencing or typing it wrong. I have a 1959 Evinrude Lark. I have rebuilt the carb. replaced the Coils, points, everything underneath flywheel. made sure my gap. .020.. What I am finding is the motor runs great at Idle. Starts up nicely with choke on. then once warmed up idles fine. When I increase speed on the lake I am good at half throttle. If I attempt to go to 3/4 throttle the boat starts lunging or you can say stalling then going stalling and going. I thought at first.. Air leak in fuel system some where since I just bought a new fuel tank and fuel line to the motor. I don't see it.. I placed the old tank and line on and it does the same thing. If this helps I noticed that slow speed cruising it runs great for about 10 minutes and then it starts running rough. If I pick up the throttle and run half throttle it seems to clear up the problem. is this the carb? do I need to sit down and rebuild again. Possible I did something wrong on adjustments on the carb or does it sound like another problem I am overlooking such as float? ect. The Filter looks good.. any opinions greatly appreciated. Thank you.

Randy J

Petty Officer 2nd Class
Oct 24, 2009
Re: 1959 Evinrude 35 stalling

how about the gas tank vent open?


Nov 27, 2008
Re: 1959 Evinrude 35 stalling

Have you tried adjusting the high speed needle at full throttle? How is the fuel pump? Has it been rebuilt?


Petty Officer 3rd Class
Sep 4, 2010
Re: 1959 Evinrude 35 stalling

Sometimes overlooked is ignition wires that are broken down inside. So often we look to intricate things like coils and carb rebuilds and sometimes overlook the simple things. Try running motor at night if you can with cover off and earmuffs on and see if you see spark leakage from ignition wires if they are not new. I just went through it with an older Johnson 50 and that was the culprit. I also rebuilt my carbs in the process but luckily I needed a carb rebuild badly too. Good luck - Paul


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jun 24, 2010
Re: 1959 Evinrude 35 stalling

Gas tank vent is open.. And yes I have done that before.. forgetting to open the vent.. I did not replace the spark plug wires... I will look at that next along with fuel pump.. Its frustrating. Everytime I think I have something corrected... something else is the problem.. I know... ITS A BOAT!.. lol..

thanks everyone..
I will keep you updated.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jun 24, 2010
Re: 1959 Evinrude 35 stalling

Update.... I was thinking.. O.k I did the rebuild on the Carb. It must be there.. I attempted and attempted to adjust the slow and fast needles just as it says here in the forum.. I could get the motor to run nicely here at the house with water flowing but as soon as I placed the boat on the water and ran it.. I would stall or appear to flood out.. Every time I gave it full throttle I would stall out.. I did this for about 3 times.. Boat in water boat out of water.. Very Frustrating.. Just when I thought I figured the needle placement here at home it would prove me wrong on the lake.. Try paddling back to the dock few times with people watching.. You just want to start throwing things.. ( No.. I did not ) Yesterday I attempted it one more time in the lake and same thing happened again!.. So this morning I started all over again. First Checking my points gap. .020.. then over to spark plugs for spark.. Everything looked good. Then over to the fuel pump.. Took it apart and cleaned the fuel filter.. Everything looked O.K. Then started to blow threw the fuel lines.. Noticed that when I squeezed the fuel bulb from fuel tank that I was leaking air some how.. I noticed the Fuel connector on the motor was allowing air into main few line to the fuel pump. Which made sense. When the motor wanted more fuel it was sucking in air also. Not noticeable at low speeds but at High throttle it was sucking in air. Went down to the store replaced the fuel connector with new one.. I have pressure in the hose bulb from tank to motor. Hooked boat back up to water.. adjusted carb needles. Went down to the lake.. YES! Full speed with out stalling. Boat is up and running so well that someone on the lake gave me the finger! My wake was far away from his place. He is just grumpy citizen that thinks we live on a no ski Lake.. Thanks everyone for the suggestions.. I'm a Happy Boater again!


Sep 17, 2010
Re: 1959 Evinrude 35 stalling

Niiiiiice!!!!! It's always the little things ;) Glad you got her running again.