Re: 14' toon or any toons
Go with a bunk trailer OMC, if you plan on trailering that far.<br /><br />I have a 24'er and a dual axle trailer I use and you can just set sail with it and not worry about it.<br /><br />If you are in rough water a lot, a short toon will be rough also.<br />They are light and can get tossed around a lot.<br /><br />The bigger the better IMO.<br /><br />EDIT: I have been and seen smaller toons and you get very much weight on them and they get to sitting low.<br /><br />Another thing, find an all aluminum one.<br />No rot to worry about.<br />Mine is a 1984 model and it has had the seats redone once and the carpet at the same time.<br />It's all aluminum and they even make the seat frames from aluminum now so they won't rot.