Re: 12V Air Pumps
Too D#*" cold up there, my boat has skis, but they are on the inside. I don't think that's gonna help

And all of the guys DID admire Thad's...

Also, ladies, daquiris on me all day
It is a Trip Lite 500w powerverter. It has three outlets, two fuses, and I believe 750w max surge.(I hope to NEVER test that) And a cooling fan.
It is around $225.00. But shop around, I saw a used one on the net for around $50.00. I also doubt that one that large would even be needed. But I have a bad habit of overdoing things.

I already had 6ga. wire and fuse blocks in place for my amps. So hooking up the inverter for me was only another $26.00 worth of 10ga. power and neg. wire to get from the blocks forward. Another $20.00 for the new air pump at Wallyworld. Another $5.00 for mounting hardware at ACE.
So all told, about $275.00.
As far as what is required from the battery for watts or be quite honest, I never gave it any thought. I have three failsafes in place on my boat so that I will never be without someway to start my boat. (learned that one the hard way

I do not see why a 100w with battery clips ( I would not run anything that requires 10 or 12 ga. wire through a 12v dcc outlet with 14 or 16ga. wire feeding it) would not work for an air pump. It most likely would not help with getting the ladies thirst quenched though.
I could not find a psi rating on the box or unit, I looked when I bought it. The box stated it would inflate a queen mattress in 60 sec. I believe it.
I will keep my 12v on the boat for a back-up, but imagine I will never use it again.
As far as mounting and triing to save $$$, you could probably mount one more to the stern, but I would worry about water/moisture.
I also would not think that anything more than 10 or 12 ga. wire would be needed for running just an inverter occasionally.
Mine fit right up under the dash with my amps. Nice and dry and out of the way.