115 hp mercury auto lower

my pro186

Jul 31, 2008
I have a 2007 115 4 stroke mercury outboard. It will automaticaly lower the engine if it runs over 2K rpm. I use this boat by the beach and sometimes due the current and my boat size I must while running shallow get on the engine to avoid hitting objects. With the engine automaticaly going down I have hit bottom many times.I have run boats for many years and I understand they do not want there engine not to have water thru it. Can anyone tell me how to stop this Mercury says it can not be disconected. Bad design feature for beach running:(


Supreme Mariner
Mar 25, 2004
Re: 115 hp mercury auto lower

It is a bad design for beach running, however all modern outboards work about the same way. I recommend you raise the motor on the transom as high as you can. This wil reduce the amount you need to tilt the motor.
Alternatively, you could get a kicker to drive you to the beach.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jul 25, 2008
Re: 115 hp mercury auto lower

I can't find a wiring diagram the shows this auto down. From all the I have looked at would look like there would have to have a output on the ecm.It would seem to me it would have to go to the down relay. When the motor goes above 2 k rpm the ecm output comes true and the motor goes down to some limit point. So to disable this you would have to remove the output wire
from the down relay. There may be a feedback circuit that would have to be defeated as well. The easiest to defeat this would be remove the rung from
the ecm program.

just my 2 cent worth
BT1 USN ret


Petty Officer 1st Class
May 3, 2008
Re: 115 hp mercury auto lower

I have a 2007 115 4 stroke mercury outboard. It will automaticaly lower the engine if it runs over 2K rpm. I use this boat by the beach and sometimes due the current and my boat size I must while running shallow get on the engine to avoid hitting objects. With the engine automaticaly going down I have hit bottom many times.I have run boats for many years and I understand they do not want there engine not to have water thru it. Can anyone tell me how to stop this Mercury says it can not be disconected. Bad design feature for beach running:(

I have an 2007 90 4 stroke Merc and didn't know it had this feature? Or does it? I don't remember ever reading about it nor did my dealer say anything about it? Is it an option that one can purchase when buying their motor/boat?

I would do as said above, maybe a kicker motor or maybe even better would be a electric trolling motor?,,,,,,,,,,,,Irv964


Supreme Mariner
Mar 25, 2004
Re: 115 hp mercury auto lower

You guys misunderstand. There is no electric "Autodown" feature on those PTT units. They are designed to hold against motor thrust only when all three PTT cylinders are supporting the motor. When you tilt the motor past that point only one cylinder is holding the motor up, and as you increase power, the motor is designed to lower, to the point where the three cylinders are engaged.

You may be able to use the motor under low power, when tilted higher, but you need to make sure it still is pumping cooling water.