10hp Evinrude Sportwin seizing up?


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Mar 28, 2004
Hi Everyone,<br /><br /> I just got a what I think is a 10hp, Evinrude Sportwin serial #10024M 04761 from a guy and he says it will run good at high speed but when he trolls with it it will seize up and won't pull over until it cools down. What does this sound like? Also could you please confirm if its a 10hp and what year it is? The oil ratio on this would be 50:1 right? Thanks.<br />Oh, and what would the value on this be as it is and when it works?


Re: 10hp Evinrude Sportwin seizing up?

Post a model number and serial number.<br /><br />They will be located at one of two places.<br /><br />1. The clamp brracket should have a plate.<br /><br />2. Look on the engine for a large core plug (freeze plug) that has numbers stamped on it.<br /><br />When was the last time the water pump was serviced?<br /><br />What oil to gas mixture are you using?


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Mar 28, 2004
Re: 10hp Evinrude Sportwin seizing up?

I think the model number might be the first number I posted and the the serial the second. So maybe like model #10024M and serial #04761. I don't know the last time the water pump was serviced but it was and is working (pumping water out the tattletale) and seemed to be running cool. We use a 50:1 ratio gas mixture. Also, just so you know the plate on the bracket and the freeze plug have the same numbers on them. Thanks.

Paul Moir

Nov 5, 2002
Re: 10hp Evinrude Sportwin seizing up?

I think DJ just overlooked that about the model number. Here's some info:<br />Evinrude Model 10024<br />Year: 1962<br />HP: 10<br />WOT RPMS: 4500<br />Displacement: 16.6 CID<br />Spark plugs: Champion J4C (was J4J) gapped at .030"<br />Fuel/Oil Mix: 24:1 87 octane gas to TCW-3 rated outboard oil.<br /><br />I don't think running the 50:1 is causing your problem, but you would be wise to switch back to 24:1 as soon as you can. If you're overheating to the point where it seizes up, something in the cooling system must be at fault. The likely candidates are the thermostat and the water pump. The water pump's impeller ought to be changed out ever couple seasons as it degrades. It degrades faster if it's not being used. Often the result is insufficient pressure at high rpms. <br />The thermostat is located in the head. You should remove it and give it at least a visual check. Better yet, immerse it in a pot of water and put it on the stove. You should observe it opening at about 160°.<br /><br />Hope this helps!


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Mar 28, 2004
Re: 10hp Evinrude Sportwin seizing up?

Thanks Paul! I'll try all that you suggested. I didn't think it was that old but thats okay with me. My guess is that this has had very little use and the guy before me knew very little about outboards, so I doubt the impellar has been changed for a very long time.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Mar 28, 2004
Re: 10hp Evinrude Sportwin seizing up?

Thanks Middleground, I do get a spray out of the tattletale even at low speed. How much water should it be pumping out at this speed? I'll definetley replace the impellar, but it still seems to be working okay as it is. Also, when it sits for a little bit I have a hard time getting it started. But once it does go, (after a good 20 pulls), and runs for a few minutes, I don't have trouble getting it going again. The glass bowl that the gas goes into before entering the carb never fills completely up, is this normal?


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Mar 28, 2004
Re: 10hp Evinrude Sportwin seizing up?

I checked the thermostat and it is fine, I think I'll clean out the carb, put a new impellar in and take it out this weekend to see how it goes. Thanks for the help guys.