Re: 1000 Not Out!
Hey thanks everyone for the good wishes. Didn't think I'd ever post 1000: must be a reflection on how good everyone else.....they just keep encouraging us to join in!<br /><br />Anyway, I'd like to thank the cast and crew, the director and my partner (sob!), my parents, my shrink (sob!), the make-up girls, the costume department (I'll give you "extra-wide"!!), my dialogue coach (sob! sob! sob!), my English teacher, my university lecturer (Yeah, look at me Prof. Brown and who said "he'll make a great criminal or a politican"??), my doctor, my dentist, my ob/gyn, (sob! wail! sob! snuffle! sob!), the paramedics, the cops (thanks for turning a blind eye or two fellas!), my driver, my wood, my seven iron, my putter, my computter, (sob! sob! sob! sob! waillllllll!!!) and finally, but by no means least, Ms Halle Berry for her (sniffles) instructions on how to give an acceptance speech that will be remembered<br /><br />I thank you all