03 Johnson 115- No Oil or Fuel-OMS Failure?


Sep 17, 2007
Ok, a week ago I was running my girl as I always do and all the sudden I got the no oil light and horn so I killed the motor and scratched my head. I suspected the VRO so I ran straight 50/1 fuel threw the fuel inlet side of the VRO to test my theory ..Primed with the primer bulb and started her up ..Ran like a champ for about 45sec's No alarms no misses nothing but then she started to idle down and the no oil light came on and then she died.
So I tried to restart the motor and nothing? Re-primed and bam ran like a champ for about 45 sec's..same thing happened again.:mad: So I restarted her again and pumped the primer bulb every time she started to slow down and she would run normal as long as I kept her primed.

So my questions.
1.Is VRO Fuel and Oil side failure common?
2.How do you test the pulse limiter?
3.What else could have failed causing both the fuel and VRO to stop working and how do I test these items?
Thanks again Pat

Home Cookin'

Fleet Admiral
May 26, 2009
Re: 03 Johnson 115- No Oil or Fuel-VRO Failure?

Re: 03 Johnson 115- No Oil or Fuel-VRO Failure?

Sounds like a fuel pump. Hope so.
When you say "tried to restart and nothing" do you mean no turn over, or no catch?

I hope it's not this but I ran a VRO dry once: after it idled down and died, I could let it cool, restart (with oil), run a bit and then it would repeat--idle down and die. Mechanic explanied that when it overheated various parts got warped. when they were cool, the arpage wasn't apparent, but as the motor heated up, it was and this caused the subsequent meltdowns. IOW you can't cure the motor with proper oil mix later.
But i don't pretend to me an expert, just a guy with a lot of experiences.


Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Nov 11, 2005
Re: 03 Johnson 115- No Oil or Fuel-VRO Failure?

Re: 03 Johnson 115- No Oil or Fuel-VRO Failure?

You have an OMS pump not a VRO pump. it sounds as if you either have a bad oil side or a totally bad fuel pump. did you unplug the sender wires on the oil tank, and the OMS? you could also have an air leak in the fuel line. running 50:1 from the tank you need to block off the oil line.


Sep 17, 2007
Re: 03 Johnson 115- No Oil or Fuel-VRO Failure?

Re: 03 Johnson 115- No Oil or Fuel-VRO Failure?

You have an OMS pump not a VRO pump. it sounds as if you either have a bad oil side or a totally bad fuel pump. did you unplug the sender wires on the oil tank, and the OMS? you could also have an air leak in the fuel line. running 50:1 from the tank you need to block off the oil line.
I have not disabled the oil side or fuel side it is as if both just stopped working.
Also the oil light will sound even with me keeping her running with the primer bulb and tank of 50/1 Thanks again.


Supreme Mariner
Mar 25, 2004
Re: 03 Johnson 115- No Oil or Fuel-OMS Failure?

The no oil light will be energized if no oil is being pumped. I would continue to run the 50::1 fuel mix until you fix or replace the OMS Pump. Will the no oil alarm stop is you pump oil line primer bulb? If not, you may have a bad sensor. If so, you might check the oil lines for air leaks, cracks or breaks. Ditto on the gasoline fuel line.