'02 Yamaha 150 2 stroke- miss firing/bad gas?


Apr 28, 2008
I originally thought this was a throttle cable issue but it defo is not. It starts great. It wasn't idling so well at first but after I added some Seafoam to it it idles perfectly now. This motor has a fuel filter but a very small one attached to the lines in the motor itself. Basically when I give it any amount of throttle beyond 2000 RPM it stops firing, catches up, stops etc... If I set it as say 2500 RPM forward it will vary between 2000 and 3000. In neutral anything under 2000 is fine, no bouncing of the needle. Anything above it will vary by 2-6k RPMs and eventually drop so far it will stall. I just bought the boat. I had an engine inspection done but not on the water. compression for all 6 cyls was over 115. I thought perhaps the seafoam would fix this because of water potentially in the gas. When you look at the filter you can see some discoloration in the bottom of it. The boat currently has less than 1/4 tank of gas in it and I think I dropped in 8 oz or less of Seafoam. It does idle MUCH better since that but no change on the upper RPM. I'm thinking 16oz of Seafoam, a full tank of gas, new plugs and a filter but I am not a mechanic.

Anyone got any other ideas/suggestions?


Apr 28, 2008
Re: '02 Yamaha 150 2 stroke- miss firing/bad gas?

1oz Seafoam per gal and a new tank of gas and we're running like a champ.