'02 Suzuki DF 140 Shifting Problem


Aug 1, 2008
Great site, wish I would have found it a long time ago.

I've owned the above motor for 6 years and have had no problems. My warranty just ran out about 2 months ago so I guess it is about time for some. The motor has always been hard to shift in to/out of gear. The dealer told me that it was due to the way the cables ran to the motor. Last week when trying to use the boat it would not go into either forward or reverse. The motor would just rev up and there was a grinding sound. Today I tried to adjust the shifter linkage and was able to get it to shift into forward but not reverse. I have the factory service manual but it does not address how to adjust the control cables. I've tried to search for instructions on this site using terms like "shifter adjustment & linkage adjustment" but haven't had any luck finding detailed instruction on the proper way to adjust the cable.

Could it be that my cable is worn out and needs to be replaced?

If the cable were too long would it cause problems like mine?

If any one has any other ideas or could send me some instruction on how to properly adjust the shifter I would greatly appreciate it.


Seaman Apprentice
Nov 14, 2005
Re: '02 Suzuki DF 140 Shifting Problem

take the control cables off the engine then try to shift it at the control box ? then try to shift it at the engine with cables not connected.


Aug 1, 2008
Re: '02 Suzuki DF 140 Shifting Problem

Thanks Bezerk,

I tried that this morning. The shifter on the motor was hard to move. After I lubed it up it was a little easier. I disconnected the throttle and started the motor. I then was able to shift the motor into forward and reverse. How do I know if it is shifting at the correct point moving forward and reverse? The motor should go into gear prior to the throttle opening, right?


Jul 23, 2008
Re: '02 Suzuki DF 140 Shifting Problem

Right. The engine should still be at idle when putting it in gear. Make sure that the button you push in to trottle the engine up is not stuck in. Just the other day on a friends boat his button stuck in. When he tried to put it in gear the motor would rev up but would not go into gear.


Jun 8, 2009
Re: '02 Suzuki DF 140 Shifting Problem

Right. The engine should still be at idle when putting it in gear. Make sure that the button you push in to trottle the engine up is not stuck in. Just the other day on a friends boat his button stuck in. When he tried to put it in gear the motor would rev up but would not go into gear.

I seem to be having this problem (stuck neutral lock button) but can't seem to resolve - have taken crontrol apart & sprayed lube into the pin that the button pushed in on, but no go.

Morse SL-3 control, it stuck once last year & then was OK, this year cannot get into gear at all.

Any ideas? Thanks!!!


Jun 8, 2009
Re: '02 Suzuki DF 140 Shifting Problem

I seem to be having this problem (stuck neutral lock button) but can't seem to resolve - have taken crontrol apart & sprayed lube into the pin that the button pushed in on, but no go.

Morse SL-3 control, it stuck once last year & then was OK, this year cannot get into gear at all.

Any ideas? Thanks!!!

Looks like a new control is the answer for me...