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  1. S

    Sprint Bassboats

    I would like to take this opportunity to invite you to a new Sprint Bassboats owner group.<br /><br />Our group has only been up and running for a short time but we are "off the ground" so to speak.<br /><br />There are also sections on tackle, performance parts, and more coming soon.<br /><br...
  2. S

    Sprint Bassboats

    I would like to take this opportunity to invite you to a new Sprint Bassboats owner group.<br /><br />Our group has only been up and running for a short time but we are "off the ground" so to speak.<br /><br />There are also sections on tackle, performance parts, and more coming soon.<br /><br...
  3. S

    trying my hand at writing, Please let me know what you think

    My Transformation To An Outdoorsman<br />By Shane Lyall<br /><br /> First I must set the stage for my story. Two 11 year old boys who would live on the river bank or in the woods if it were not for the slew foxes and the mad rabies infested mud turtles that only prowl around after dark in this...
  4. S

    cupped prop set up question

    I am running a mariner 150 mag 2 on a 19' 296 sprint with a 25 pitch 4 blade cupped shooter.I have about 30-35 psi water at wot but my rpm are a little low and I can only get about 55 mph (speedo) with this set up. The tail is about as high as the cowling when I am trimed out but I can make it...
  5. S

    power head swap

    My question may be slly but I have a 92 Marier 150 mag 2 and I want to power up, Can I buy a rebuilt 175-200 power head and bolt it up to my housing and lower unit or will it be to big to fit under my cowl.If this is possible will I see a big differance in performance. My boat is rated for...