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  1. S

    Mariner Trim gadge unit

    G'day all,<br /><br />Just wondering if I could get some more help.<br /><br />My mates Mariner's trim gadge does not work. From what I can tell, the sensor unit for the trim is on the right hand side of the engine when looking from the prop. It has 2 wires, w hich is earth & the other which is...
  2. S

    Mariner 1995 75hp Won't Cold Start

    G'day all,<br /><br />My mate has a Mariner 75hp, around 1995 model & it won't start when the engine is cold. It takes ages of kicking it over to get it going & once it is warm it starts first go.<br /><br />He has not had the boat & motor long, but the engine to look at is almost brand new with...