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  1. M

    carb parts brake down

    Could some one E-mail me a parts brake down for a evinrude carb. The new manual I have gives a very poor look at it.<br />MOD: E75ERLCSA<br />SER: J0001240<br />PART: 323714<br />I am having a hard time getting up on plain. Motor bogs down. If I give it a little chock as it starts to bog it will...
  2. M

    mixture screws on rudes?

    I have a 1981 75 hp rude with electric choke on the key. I don’t know the mod or ser #. I would like to know were the mixture screws normally are on rudes. I have looked all over the carbs. I have found what looks like drain for the bowl, idle linkage, big brass screw on top port side ( looks...
  3. M

    How can I test my motor true hp output.

    How can I test my motor true hp output? My motor bogs down a lot coming out of the hole. But I can go over 5500 rpms during plain. What should I look at first? :confused:
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    1979 4.5 hp merc I can keep it running if I keep chocking

    I have 1979 4.5 hp merc. Ran good most of last summer. When it didn’t run good all I hade to do was squeeze the fuel bulb as it was running. It did this for a few fishing trips. Then it started running fine again. I thought maybe the fuel line hade gotten pinched or something with the connector...
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    how can I tell if..............

    how can I tell if my motor is giving me all it can. I dont whont to go threw a lot of extra work. like cleaning carbs.If it dont need it. I think it should have more low end power. If I run up the motor in gear it bogs down and dies at 2500 rpms. it is a 1981 rude 75 hp.
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    need service manual

    Can some one tell me were to find a service manual for 1981 75 hp rude?
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    Motor run up on trailer

    I have a 1981 75 hp evinrude. Should I be able to run the motor up to full throttle in gear with it on the trailer in the water. My motor dies at about 3000 rpms.
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    boging motor on tailer

    I am new to boating. I see other people driving there boats all the way up on there trailers even gunning there motors to get all the way up on the trailer. Is this hard on there motors. Or should the prop be sized so that it will not bog the motor down to fare even if the boat don’t move. My...
  9. M

    Why must my motor warm up first?

    I have a 1981 75 hp evinrude. Motor will not start without choke. Motor RPMs go up 3000 plus then back down and motor will shut off if I don’t re choke. I do this three or four times before motor will idle and warm up so that the motor will not bog down and die when I put it in gear and power...
  10. M

    Why must my motor warm up first?

    I have a 1981 75 hp evinrude. Motor will not start without choke. Motor RPMs go up 3000 plus then back down and motor will shut off if I don’t re choke. I do this three or four times before motor will idle and warm up so that the motor will not bog down and die when I put it in gear and power...