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  1. J

    Merc 60 HP

    Thanks to you guys I got the tank all cleaned out, no more water nor white sludge, Clean Clean.<br />Now what octane gas should I use and should I use an additive . Tank is 22 Gal plastic, motor is oil injected. How do I make sure this water/ sludge in the gas tank doesn't happen again.<br...
  2. J

    Water in Gas

    I've got water in gas tank, the pick up tub runs to the bottom, can I get away with draining a few gallons through the pickup tube, or drain the whole tank, Thanks JarHead-8
  3. J

    Merc (tracker 60 HP)1999. No Power

    Put my 60 HP Merc in the water, first time this year, used stabalizer in gas and some water -zorb.<br />Ran just fine at high RPM for about 5 min then just boged down on me, Idles good starts good, I give it the gas and she bogs right down. When I have it out of gear it seems to run good at...
  4. J

    Johnson 9.9 HP Change to 15 HP "HELP"

    I have a 9.9 HP Johnson, aprox 1989 Model and I have been told that all I need to do is to change the jets in the Carberator and WHAM-O I have 15 HP. I thought I better check with the pros before I get my self in a heap of trouble. Thanks, I need advise and direction, can this be done.<br...