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  1. R

    Trailer wiring fries fuse

    If you replace the lights use the sealed led lights and heatshrink splice connectors also silicone in the connectors works great also a bad ground can cause blown fuses also. on my crab boat i put the lights on 2 pin connectors and remove them when launching. going on 8 yrs still no problems
  2. R

    help with running surge brake lines

    I just replaced all the lines on my triple axle venture brakes on all three axles, If your trailer is a single axle and the line from the actuator to the tee your fine if you are fishing the frame put some armor sheath where it enters and exits the frame to protect from chaffing,
  3. R

    Volvo 5.7GS Coil Burn UP

    I am having problems with coils going bad I have replaced 3coils and 2 ignition modules in 2 years last coil only lasted aprox 12hrs running time dont have a clue whats causing it Im using volvo recomended parts. RogerV