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    Suzuki 140 4 stroke Oil Leak

    I have a chance to purchase a 140 4 stroke but have been told it has an oil leak under the flywheel. Supposedly this is the only thing wrong with it. is this an easy fix or a pricey one?
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    Motorguide 45lb thrust foot controlled

    The trolling motor will not work on 24 volt, and has lost power on 12 volt, could the motor have burned up, or is it an electrical problem? If its the motor where can I obtain a replacement motor? Thanks
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    1978 Chrysler 85 hp. cuts out at high rpm.

    After getting on plane, above 3500 rpm, it seems to start cutting out. Carb problem, electrical, or bigger?
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    swapping motors on bass boat

    I have a 92 model Nitro, with a blown Johnson 115, I have just bought a 1982 Ranger, with a 1991 Mercury black max 150. What type of troubles am I in for if I try to replace the Johnson with the Mercury on my Nitro boat?
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    willieberight and silvertip please help!!!!!

    I was told you guys no all!! Hope so, so here goes. Just got a new to me boat, with a 1991 mercury xr4 black max 150. When I get it on plane, it begans to beep intermittingly approximately 4 to 5 times when I idle down it stops, and runs fine. The on engine oil tank is full, and the motor did...
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    Mercury Beeping when on plane

    Testing a boat today to possibly buy, when got it on plane it began beeping rapidly approximately 5 or 6 times then quit. When throttled down it does not beep, it idles fine, runs fine, but when you get on plane at about 4to 5000 RPM it begins to beep. Could it just be the oil cap sensor or a...