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  1. I

    Suzuki DT85 running rough and cutting out

    I have a 1997 DT85. Recently it would cut out when still cold and now it will won't stay running and cuts out even at high RPMs. When it cuts out it makes a loud high pitched squeek or "whistle". A gasket perhaps??
  2. I

    Suzuki dt85 stuck down

    Trim motor quit working while motor was down. I opened the valve on the side and still couldn't budge it. I also tried applying excessive force and it still would not budge. I do not see a locking mechanism anywhere. I'm so tired of messing with this trim unit. Does anyone have any suggestions...
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    1996 DT85 has air in powre tilt and trim

    Just got her back from the shop where they replaced the trim motor and the center ram. I think maybe they didn't bleed it because I can hear what sounds like air when it's on the up stroke. Down sounds perfect. I would like to know, how can I bleed this myself and also how to fill the reservoir...
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    Suzuki tilt and trim

    I have decided to attempt the leaky cylinder myself but I have a few questions I would like to throw out there. After I fix the leak, is there any specific way I need to "prime" the cylinder to get the trim working again? Also Is there anything in there that may be under pressure when it comes...
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    85hp Suziki trim oil leak

    I noticed fluid had been leaking from the center piston. I then tilted it up and down a few times and noticed it was flowing out pretty good while it was moving up and down. then it ran out of fluid and the motor won't go up now. So, I have a few questions. 1. Where can I find a schematic of...
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    25hp Evinrude jolts violently

    Just bought the boat and motor used. Believe it to be a 72. Third time i had the boat in the water it would jolt heavily every 60 seconds or so as if i had hit a stump. That's what I thought had happened at first. It only does it when in gear and like I said, it's kinda like I hit a stump or...