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  1. Expidia

    Best hitch protector?

    Of course the liberal run sanctuary city/county where I live won’t allow me concealed carry. But my son lives in the next county over from me and he has a cc permit.
  2. Expidia

    Best hitch protector?

    Exactly, I of course would have said many of your words earlier, but did not as if a thread gets political they stop comments or delete it. You get what you vote for. I don't care if gas goes to $20 a gal. My rig uses a 6.5 gal portable gas tank, so I'm not stuck with marina gas prices and...
  3. Expidia

    Best hitch protector?

    I guess you are just an insurance companies dream 🤣
  4. Expidia

    Best hitch protector?

    “I have always padlocked the coupler and drawbar. I never had a problem. Those that did have theft simply did not use common sense” You used magic words: “did not use common sense” 😜
  5. Expidia

    Best hitch protector?

    Nice to be sop trusting of people. My brother in law owned several large boats all docked at marinas south of Boston. He taught me that just because you are in a paid marina doesn’t mean their security is good. I remember one of his early boats a 36 foot Trojan being ripped off of all his...
  6. Expidia

    Best hitch protector?

    First splash down of the season. Launched on the Hudson River. But their NY State newly re-done parking lot is down to like only 10 or 12 tow vehicle spaces. Another dozen regular car spaces. It's striper season right now. So I had to uncouple and take two spaces. Just received that red...
  7. Expidia

    New issue cropped up on my transom/bunk position!

    Update: went to a local Lund dealer today. He said those bunks are in the correct position as to where the Lund dealer originally positioned them. He also agreed that bulge was probably caused by a whack from hitting a pot hole. Probably best to just leave it be as trying to pop it back into...
  8. Expidia

    New issue cropped up on my transom/bunk position!

    I did notice the back keel roller had dropped down and I'll have to raise that one back up. But the bunks should have supported the boat. I added the two keel rollers to the self centering ones. Now I know why it's been harder to center the transom on the trailer cranking it up at the launch...
  9. Expidia

    New issue cropped up on my transom/bunk position!

    Yes, the keel sits on rollers from what I can remember of the setup (boat is in my garage across the street). Straps can't tighten down that much because the next click that would make it really tight can't be reached and seated anyway. Yes it came sitting on two cheapo bunks that one broke a...
  10. Expidia

    New issue cropped up on my transom/bunk position!

    Once again which I've mentioned in previous posts above. There was never any need to crank down those straps tight. I always just ratchet down to snug so the straps are not flapping around. Boat is 17 years old. But always has a custom made trailer cover on and has always been garaged. I'm...
  11. Expidia

    New issue cropped up on my transom/bunk position!

    You can see how frustrating it is to get opposite opinions on the positioning of the bunks under the hull. I was going to position them over the stringers which would be only like a 3 inch move from where they are now. Now you have me hesitating to do so. The right side lower transom is fine...
  12. Expidia

    New issue cropped up on my transom/bunk position!

    Thx airshot. I’m going to swing by the only Lund dealer in my area and see what they say. The only item in that area is a 6.5 gal plastic gas tank which sits higher up in the gas locker. I’m going to float the boat and adjust the trailer in the parking lot to move the bunks in like 3 inches...
  13. Expidia

    New issue cropped up on my transom/bunk position!

    Trailer has springs. Straps never racheted full. Only need to keep boat from sliding left and right. And forward in a frontal accident.
  14. Expidia

    Best hitch protector?

    Bulletin bulletin bulletin . . . this just in . . . One of the lakes we frequently boat is the 32 mile long pristine Lake George (known as the queen of American lakes). A major upstate NY tourist attraction. My wife just told me someone last week even stole "the iconic sign" that welcomes...
  15. Expidia

    New issue cropped up on my transom/bunk position!

    Maybe so, but I don't crank them to their tightest click. They don't have to be. They are only there to hold the boat from sliding off the trailer on a turn or holding the boat onto the trailer during hard braking or an accident. I think Brian's post #3 might be right on the money in that the...
  16. Expidia

    New issue cropped up on my transom/bunk position!

    The goop is 3M Urethane Seam Sealer. I had some drips along that edge in two places when I filled the boat 1/2 way up with a garden hose but my welding guy said it can't be welded there as there is a rubber gasket along that edge. He said to use some of that sealer as it does not harden. It's...
  17. Expidia

    New issue cropped up on my transom/bunk position!

    Last season I noticed the left bottom of the transom was buckling. I orignally set up my rig back in 2007 with help here from the forum as to transom positioning on the bunks and the correct tongue weight on the hitch ball. Now the transom is starting to buckle. Any suggestions to lessen this...
  18. Expidia

    Best hitch protector?

    Re crime and theft. So many in the forum live in these nice quiet nd safe communities. I don't have that luxury living in the capital of NY. I also belong to a world wide e-bike forum. These bikes can run $1,000 to $15,000. They are being stolen all over the world, so much so many...
  19. Expidia

    Best hitch protector?

    The elephant in the room is and especially for those out in the boon docks is your being gaslighted thinking inflation is only 3.5% when most everything you touch is like double now a days. It's only going to get worse. Sadly this economy is making people desparate for jobs, gas and food to...
  20. Expidia

    Best hitch protector?

    Update: That lockable hitch pin lock that I had does work great in the coupler pin hole. Used along with my red wheel boot and the Master Universal coupler lock these are the security items I'll use when I need to leave my trailer unattended especially over night at hotels. It's not the large...