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  1. M

    solenoid leaking

    hi When I start the motor and engage the choke (pushing in the key) I see gas leaking out of the primer solenoid @ that red switch. the switch is down back over the solenoid. Gas leaks out in a stream. what is causing this??? mrd
  2. M


    Hi All I just replaced rectifier/ reg. The tach still will not work off the gray wire. ( it drops below zero) However it does work off the yellow/ gray one. The boat runs fine. Battery seems to to be charging. It hasn't gotten weak seems stronger. Turns motor very quick, easily starts. What...
  3. M

    Which rectifier / regulator

    hello I have a 85 rude 150 (e150txcos) I need a rectifier/ reg. I see this one replaces that one, that one cant use this battery or that battery. Several different co. make them and prices vary. What I want to know is which one just flat out works the best for my motor. Any input would be...
  4. M

    core plug mess up

    when removing core plug I drilled to far putting a hole in the carb. how will this effect the carb s performance???? the hole is the same size as the one thats there and it overlaps the original hole.
  5. M

    85 evinrude 150 carb ???

    im rebuilding carbs. question is on the bottom (bowl) side with the bowl off there are two needle looking jets. 1. do i remove those to soak. 2. there are 2 silver plugs (one on each side) between the needles and the end do i remove those and replace with the plugs in the rebuild kit...