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  1. I

    BF8A oil in the fuel issue

    Hi - my 2005 outboard started acting up mid summer, but have only now been able to take the time to really look at it. The symptoms. 1. Needing to keep it choked almost fully in order to keep it running at fast idle. Once in gear (when I could keep it running long enough to get it into gear)...
  2. I

    1997 8HP over reving & stalling - hard starting

    Hi - the subject says most of it. <br /><br />Recently the engine has been over reving. Need choking to get it started even after it's been running. Some times it starts, sometimes it stalls right out again. When it stays running it's running about 2x or 3x what it should be for a normal idle...
  3. I

    Water pump isn't...

    Hi - I have an 8HP 1997 Honda Outboard. I'm not getting much more than a light mist out the exhaust and nothing out the dummy tube. I just changed the thermostat with a brand new one hoping that would solve it since it was all covered in salt/crap. No luck.<br /><br />So yanked it off the boat...