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  1. J

    Volvo 501b - poor top end

    Howdy folks... The patient is a 1993 Volvo 501b. The symptoms: runs great between 2-3k rpm. Starts fine very time. At 3600 rpm, it develops a hard stumble and won't go any higher. It has a slight stumble when pushing the boat onto a plane at full throttle. Here's the history: Motor...
  2. J

    Volvo 501b timing questions

    (1st post seems to have failed! Trying again..) Patient is a 1993 Volvo 501b. Boat is a Larson 200sei. Problems: 1. stumble or miss at WOT 2. Idle wanders What's been done: 1. Motor is a reman with about 100 hours on it. 2. Carb was just rebuilt (it's a Holley 4 barrel, but given how...
  3. J

    Correct Diagnosis - carb rebuild?

    The patient is a 1993 Larson 201se with a Volvo 501b DP drive.<br /><br />History - motor over heated last year when the raw water hose elbow broke on the outdrive. Motor replaced with remanufactured engine from Vesuvio.<br /><br />These are the symptoms that existed on the old motor, and now...