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  1. K

    lifting an outbiard

    I need to raise my motor, 200hp evinrude, how do I do this?its on a gil drive and I need to move it up a bolt hole or two,Do i just wrap some straps around the pan or do i have to use a lifting eye set up on the flywheel
  2. K

    proper outboard height

    I have done a search but couldnt find my question.<br />I have a 1996 23 ft wa with a 200hp evinrude attached to a gil bracket which sits s few feet from the stern, I have read the plate should be even with the bottom of the transom with this bracket do I run a straight edge from the bottom of...
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    chartplotter keeps shutting down

    magellan fxs324 color chartplotter works fine not a bright unit but gets me back however when i get to where im going and shut the boat down it will stay on which is what i want it to do but then when i start my motor the unit displays a battery symbol counts down and shuts off.. i have constant...
  4. K

    tach what setting on back?

    1996 200hp evinrude tach is set on the bck to 2 does this engine have 12 poles and should the tach be set at 6? i believe from what i have been told i have the wrong prop om and tch is off 6000 rpm 38mph (gps) 14 1/4 X 19 uncupped alum.prop
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    prop suggestion

    23 ft walkaround 200hp evinrude ocean pro currently running a 14 1/4 x 19 aluminum prop uncupped and getting around 37-38 mph with 6000 wot rpm...would like to switch to a 15x17 stainless,,any predictions on what would happen? will i get more speed less rpm's?
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    what carb kit

    looking for 6 rebuild kits for my carbs,,,1996 oceanpro evinrude 200hp E200TXEDR looked in the store didnt find it
  7. K

    Bogging down shutting off

    1996 200 evinrude ocean pro,,, I ahve doen alot of work on the engine there had been a new power pack starter plugs installed,,i did a semi clean and rebuild on the carbs,, the boat will run good on the muffs and will even get to 6400 rpm runs well at wot ,,even when i first pull off the dock it...
  8. K

    erratic fuel gauge

    never noticed it before but now my fuel gauge is bouncing back and forth Im worried that some sort of electric problem is going on I know its grounded at the tank and the pos wire is tight, Im also having a a slight problem with the motor(idling) so i dont know if the two are related for...
  9. K

    erratic fuel gauge

    never noticed it before but now my fuel gauge is bouncing back and forth Im worried that some sort of electric problem is going on I know its grounded at the tank and the pos wire is tight, Im also having a a slight problem with the motor(idling) so i dont know if the two are related for...
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    recirculation valve

    on a 1996 200 hp evinrude how can you check this and I looked at the exploded view I think I know where it is but it does require removing the carb
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    QL78YC VS QL82YC

    1996 200 hp oceanpro manual says OEM 1996 service manual says use the 82 but the champion plug charts says the 78 what gives?? the 78 should be the hoyyer plug correct what should i use
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    hour meter

    what would cause the hour meter to "click" when the key is on,,even wnen the engine is off and key on it still clicks
  13. K

    fuel tube pick up where to buy?

    Any one know where I can get a fuel pick up tube to replace the one in my 85 gallon fuel tank?
  14. K

    is this normal????

    noticed on my 200hp 1996 oceanpro (two stroke v6 vro pump) that the little gas filter white plastic filter located under the cowling seems to be now mixed with the oil and gas has a blueish tint to it the engine will smoke at start up and when i shut it down then start it agin still smokes a...