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  1. C

    No Oil! What Did I Do Wrong???

    Hi all, I just purchased a new fuel sending unit for my 89 Evinrude 120 HP. Whenever I turned the key on, without the engine even having to be started the alarm would continually sound. I finally isolated the problem down to the oil tank sensor. I bought a new tank sensor and installed and no...
  2. C

    Engine not running well at low speeds - Anyone know a good mechanic in VA?

    Finally figured out one of the problems with my 89 120HP rude but still got one more left. I have been getting a constant alarm, even when the engine is not running. Found problem to be the oil sensor. Oil ball was also hard as a rock, going to replace that as well. Have not ordered parts...
  3. C

    Won't Run at Idle - Runs Great Going Fast - HELP!

    I have 1989 Evinrude 120HP 2 Stroke VRO. When running at idle it runs really rough – it bucks and sputters, and tries to stall. It sounds to me like it is missing – although I am not a mechanic. When you put the engine into gear, one click off of idle the engine will sputter and stall. If...
  4. C

    Spark and spark....Please help!!

    Hello once again everyone, I have finally narrowed down the problem with my 1989 Evinrude 120 HP 4 cyl 2 stroke. I had a problem with the bottom 2 cylinders not sparking. All of a sudden a week ago, the Engine would not turn off when I turned the key off, and I had to choke it. I replaced the...
  5. C

    No Spark on One Cylinder - HELP!!!!!!!!

    Hey everyone, I have a 1989 Evinrude 120 HP 2 stroke VRO. It has not been running well at idle so I had some tests run on it. Mechanic told me the bottom 2 cylinders had no spark. We replaced the powerpack and that did nothing. He says there is good compression in all cylinders and the...
  6. C

    Starboard side hotter than port???

    Ran some temperature tests on my engine this past weekend and the results were somewhat troubling. First, following the repair manuals instructions I ran the boat at 3000rpm for over 5 minutes. I then took temperature readings with an infared thermometer on both thermostat pockets. They port...
  7. C

    Multitude of Issues...In dire need of help!

    I am going to try to explain my issues with my 1989 120HP Evinrude engine as clearly as possible, local mechanic is stumped and backed up three weeks before he can even look at it. As I stated I have a 1989 120HP Evinrude 2 stroke with VRO. When the key is turned on, the warning horn sends...
  8. C

    1898 Evinrude 120 HP Shakes violently above 2500 RPM's HELP PLEASE

    Hey everyone, Happy Fathers Day to all you fathers out there!!! I have a 1989 120 HP Evinrude 4 cylinder 2 stroke. The engine idles fine and runs fine in both forward and reverse up to about 2500 RPMs As soon as you hit 2500 RPM's the engine starts to violently shake and sputter. It does not...
  9. C

    Alarm goes off without Starting Motor!! HELP!

    Hi everyone!<br /><br />I have a 1989 120 HP Evinrude 2 cycle outboard. As soon as I turn the key on the alarm goes off continuously.<br /><br />From what I have read from this board that means there is a overheating problem - this is impossible becuase the engine has not even been started...