Search results

  1. Texasmark

    2005 Mercury 115 ELPTO No Spark

    40.000 unloaded....aka no spark plug attached i what Mercury has been advertising since going to the Capacitor Discharge Ignition systems, for decades. With that voltage potential, while unloaded, the rise time of the pulse will be in single digit microseconds, not in milliseconds like...
  2. Texasmark

    Cost of carb rebuild

    That's a heck of a deal. One can't argue with that price. Thanks FB.
  3. Texasmark

    Cost of carb rebuild

    Back to the original question: NIM 713, are you still here? Have you made any decisions as to your plans? Did you give any thought to what I said? Did you try it? If so, the results?
  4. Texasmark

    Cost of carb rebuild

    I don't know what heat has to do with puddling. I have no idea as to what the writer of the article had for reference material. Maybe he was blowing hot air and maybe he was sitting down with the Merc. engineers that developed the design. Iterating what I said before, he coined the...
  5. Texasmark

    I have a boat I want to sell on Craig's list.

    I found my camera and it has a plug in that fits a USB plug on the computer. Will take another batch of pics. tomorrow.
  6. Texasmark

    I have a boat I want to sell on Craig's list.

    Well sir you are giving me a starting point. Thank you for your assistance.
  7. Texasmark

    I have a boat I want to sell on Craig's list.

    I took pictures of it with my "flip Phone" camera. I need to know how to transfer the phone pictures to the ad so that I can sell would be greatly appreciated.
  8. Texasmark

    Cost of carb rebuild

    This is a picture of the engine upon which some sporting news media published an information post on the differences in the design including the tilting you see in the picture.....unlike most other engines with a 90* drive line. I can't find the article, but as you can see in the picture, the...
  9. Texasmark

    Cost of carb rebuild

    I like my puddling theory better.......
  10. Texasmark

    Cost of carb rebuild

    Go find the news writeup on the 20 HP Mercury fishing motor that has the characteristics I mentioned above. Timeline would be around the 1970's. They said it, I didn't.......but I proved it to be a fact. Next in the 2+2 Merc 2 stroke 115 and 125 HP 4 cylinders, the bottom 2 cylinders only get...
  11. Texasmark

    Cost of carb rebuild

    I forgot something that can make a big difference in smooth operation at idle and adjacent speeds......when not up on plane, and just putting around, tilt the engine up (in the rear) about 10*. This is not my idea but an idea I got from Mercury's design of fishing motors, back when the color...
  12. Texasmark

    Boat Battery Questions - Cranking

    My take on deep cycle is that they have thicker and fewer plates. Apparently a thick plate tolerates the ups and downs of deep cycling and the fewer is just because of the space limitation. Also, the fewer plates means the less surface area in contact with the H2SO4/H2O mixture so the max...
  13. Texasmark

    Cost of carb rebuild

    Before you start spending a lot of money, get some fresh fuel and add 2 oz per gallon of Sea Foam.....engine cleanup in a can.....available at most auto parts stores. Run the engine for half an hour or so and let it sit for a day or so or longer.....better.....then back to the lake, fire it...
  14. Texasmark

    gas from exhaust

    I'd start looking around the engine proper for signs of wetness, then wipe and smell to ensure its gas and go from there. You didn't give the age of your engine. If old, leaking rubber is usually the problem. I'm a carb. guy so I don't know what else could be suspect in the differences...
  15. Texasmark

    2005 Mercury 115 ELPTO No Spark

    Get a manual. Then you have reliable access to the whole engine and you can troubleshoot with confidence, not hit and miss guessing or possible errors from people like me!
  16. Texasmark

    2005 Mercury 115 ELPTO No Spark

    Well its supposed to spin fast if working properly as there is no resistance to dissipate the energy being consumed from the battery while attempting to start. AKA no compression impeding rotation. To get spark across the spark plug electrodes you need to ground (attach to the engine block or...
  17. Texasmark

    Swapping to an opti

    I've thought about upgrading my carbed 2002 115 to an injected engine till I read problems on here and other forums with owners writing in with this problem and that problem for equipment that is necessary for injected fuel and control of it and all that which is not a problem with a simple...
  18. Texasmark

    Mercury 115 2 Stroke ELPTO Service Manual

    I got a real nice, new printing, for my 2002 115 off ebay for a decent price.
  19. Texasmark

    Test wheel needed

    What is the shallowest pitched aluminum prop you can find at a marine dealer that has been in business for decades and has a wall full of used props and a box full of thrust washers. How about a 4 blade aluminum of shallow pitch and you cut 2 opposing blades off at the root? Or more difficult...