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  1. J

    Pulse Pack?

    Greetings all, I've been having a problem with my 1971 125. In the past when we are underway, at planing speed it would momentarily stall then as quick as it stalled it would pick up and run fine. It might do this a couple of times or not at all. This weekend I brought it in the shop and I am...
  2. J

    '95 Mercruiser Alpha 1 Generation 2

    I want to change impeller on my '95 Mercruiser Alpha 1 Generation 2 lower unit. It has the gear oil resevoir up in the engine compartment. While I have changed impellers on my old Evinrude many times, this remote resevoir has me puzzled. Is there a connection to this resevoir that I should be...
  3. J

    Am I damaging this motor?

    I have a '71, 125 Evinrude, my service manual says 5000rpm is wot. When underway I can get 4750rpm, but I usually cruise between 3500rpm to 4000rpm. Will I damage my motor by running it in that rpm range?<br />Thanks, John
  4. J

    tempo plastic tanks

    I have two plastic tempo tanks that seep fuel around the top plate that holds the gauge and outlet. Anyone know where to get the gaskets for these tanks?<br />Thanks
  5. J

    1971 Evinrude 125

    My 1971 Evinrude 125 hp runs fine for a long time then it will stall momentarily at above idle rpms. Its almost like you switch off and on the ignition rapidly. It will go through a short period doing this and then will run great for the rest of the day.