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  1. E

    Lubrication -- Kodiak Integral Hub Disk Brake

    My Brakerite actuator and set of Kodiak disk brakes were delivered today (Friday). I'd love to install everything tomorrow. I understand that the Kodiak integral hubs can be lubricated with oil instead of high temperature bearing grease. The Kodiak installation instructions are rather...
  2. E

    Surge drums PLUS elect/hydraulic disks

    Great forum -- lots of good tips and shared experiences. So...interesting question for which I've gotten some interesting answers -- what do you think about this. 20.5 ft bow rider on tandem axle trailer -- total weight about 5500 lbs. Trailer is factory equipped with surge drum brakes on the...
  3. E

    Celebrity -- year? other info?

    Hi. Bought a Celebrity hull # CLC13766E292 (20ft bow rider, 5.0L I/). There seems to be a question as to model year. Can anyone tell from the #? Now that Celebrity has been absorbed by Bombadier (sp), I can't get any info on this boat and equipment (e.g., digital instruments, etc.). Anyone have...
  4. E

    Yamaha stern drive - year and problems

    Just bought a 1992 Celebrity with a 5.0 Yamaha I/O. 1) Nameplate on bottom of gimble hard to read but looks like 111-D C14 P CC3495. Can any one tell me the model year and any other info about this I/O? The I/O was recently serviced with new boots. 2)Problem - the I/O "flops" by as much as...