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  1. R

    Fuel feed pump not on/ Lower bottom carb dumping fuel out the front

    Thank you very much for the assistance with this 31 year old engine. I removed the carb and cleaned it. There was nothing visually that was a give away saying what the problem was. I bought a pressure/ vac. tested from amazon to check the carb. after cleaning and prior to installing it...
  2. R

    Fuel feed pump not on/ Lower bottom carb dumping fuel out the front

    OK - So today I checked the pump and it worked using a separate 12VDC. Tried it using the original supply and pumped a bit. Removed the carb and nothing jumps out as an issue and looks clean and operable. I don't have a good record with carbs. so am I missing something... Thanks again
  3. R

    Fuel feed pump not on/ Lower bottom carb dumping fuel out the front

    Hello, First Time I have posted. I have a 1993 250HP TURR. Always works great however it did not use it for 2 weeks. When I went to use it. Fuel dumped from the lower left Carburetor. It ran rough. At first I thought that maybe the float inside was stuck. I have not checked though as I...